NOV 22nd - Nov 24th, 2024


1901 Brantley Rd #3 Fort Myers, FL 33907

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The Vedic Meditation course consists of four, 90 min sessions over four consecutive days and is designed to make students completely self-sufficient for life without the need for apps, videos, meditation studios, or retreats.

Private sessions in your home (and with your preferred schedule) are also available between NOV 22nd and DEC 3rd

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Group Courses will be held at Shiva Yoga Shala with the following schedule:

FRI, NOV 22: 7:30pm - 9pm

SAT, NOV 23: 12:30pm - 2pm

SUN, NOV 24: 12:30pm - 2pm


Please select quantity (number of people learning) in the group course. After adding to your cart and checking out, you'll be taken to a secure registration page to pay for your course in advance.


Private Courses for one to five people can be held at your home and scheduled with Bradley based on your availability.

After adding to your cart and checking out, you'll be taken to a secure registration page to pay for your course in advance.

(please keep quantity below at one, even if multiple people are learning at your home)


The Kids Course is recommended for ages 12-19 and requires at least one parent to learn at the same time either in a group setting or privately in your home.

Please add the number of kids who will be learning with you:


Watch a 20 minute TED-style intro on Vedic Meditation and its benefits given by Bradley Raider.

Presented at the Entrepreneurs’ Organization annual Alchemy conference:


Reduction of and increased resistance to stress and anxiety, strengthening of the immune system, increased energy levels, improved memory / concentration and decision-making, reversal of certain processes of biological aging, reduction of addictive behaviors, reduction of cholesterol / blood pressure and the risk of heart disease (number one killer in the US), normalization of sleeping patterns, and a more mindful, expanded consciousness from which to view the world.

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BRADLEY RAIDER is founder and executive director of MDT8 (short for meditate), a global organization that trains individuals and companies to be completely self-sufficient in the practice of meditation.

His work as a teacher, award-winning filmmaker, and entrepreneur is rooted in a deep fascination with consciousness expansion and its practical integration with creativity, productivity, and life purpose.

Having traveled with and trained as protégé to pre-eminent master of Vedic knowledge, Maharishi Vyasananda, Bradley has practiced and studied the subtle art and science of meditation for the last seventeen years.

His certification as a Vedic Meditation teacher (one of only a few hundred in the world) compliments a holistic approach to health, equanimity and high performance that includes yoga, mindfulness, pranayama, Eastern philosophy, and performance coaching.

Bradley's students include CEOs, clinical psychologists, doctors, attorneys, Academy / Emmy / Tony-award nominated filmmakers and theatre artists, and families with members ranging in age from 9 - 79. One of his greatest passions is sharing wisdom and experience with humor and inspiration, helping individuals and companies to realize their fullest potential.

CORPORATE COURSES. In addition to working corporately and with companies around the world, Bradley has also trained members of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization and the Young Presidents’ Organization (two global networks of CEOs, entrepreneurs, and international leaders), as well as clients of LifeSpan Medicine and members of The Young Entertainment Activists (YEA) in Los Angeles.


"I can honestly say that learning Vedic Meditation has been one of the best things in my life"

Carey, Los Angeles

"I have seen such an improvement in my overall well-being, health, mood, and my ability to be truly present. The meditations are wonderful and I feel great. I want everyone to meditate"

Alexandra, New York

"I couldn't have predicted the positivity that this practice would bring to my life and had no idea the program would impact me so quickly. Many of my anxieties that were previously present have seemed to disappear. Bradley is also an incredible teacher and mentor and I'm so grateful for the many things he has taught me"

Danielle, Philadelphia

“It's simple, effortless, and effective. I only wish I had done this years ago”

Joe, Seattle

“This will be something that continues to inspire, ground, move and affect me for the rest of my life”

Heather, Philadelphia

"The experience of meditating every day has sort of felt like falling in love. It feels like I’ve found an anchor. But unlike love, it’s not another person. The anchor is me"

Sasha, Los Angeles

"Bradley inhabits one of the most genuine, thoughtful and honorable approaches to life that I've ever witnessed. As a teacher, he is not only knowledgeable, but is also able to share the wisdom he has developed with compassion, humility, and respect"

Ashley, Los Angeles

“I am so thankful that I met Bradley -- he truly has wisdom beyond his years and a life perspective that is continually positive and refreshing. He is a living testament to this practice”

Carey, Los Angeles

"Bradley is a not just a well studied, fountain of knowledge of the Vedic tradition, but he is a natural teacher and is someone who listens with his heart. I am so grateful he opened my eyes and heart to this tradition as it has changed the way I see things and the way I think"

Alexis, Los Angeles

"Bradley's passion is entirely infectious, and he has a gift for sharing it. He communicates ideas in a patient, thorough, and immediately relatable way. I have seen firsthand his enormous capacity for generosity of spirit and thought, and I feel honored to consider him a mentor"

Kate, New York

"Bradley's uniqueness as a teacher of this tradition reveals itself in his authenticity, his grace and his natural luminosity. Here we have a true teacher who deeply listens and relates to students of all ages, backgrounds and levels of experience. In being the teacher and person that he is, he inspires you to expand further into your highest potential as the exceptional human being you were born to be"

Rachel, New York